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- GExperts 1.12
- Open Source Programming Tools for Delphi and C++Builder
- Source code, the FAQ, and the latest news are available at:
- http://www.gexperts.org/
- Please send bug reports and comments using the feedback wizard
- available in the GExperts about box. You may send other GExperts
- related queries to the project leader at:
- Erik Berry <eberry@gexperts.org> or <eb@techie.com>
- ----------------------
- GExperts is a set of tools built to increase the productivity of
- Delphi and C++Builder programmers by adding several features to the
- IDE. GExperts is developed as Open Source software and is contributed
- as freeware to the development community. Users are encouraged to
- download the source code and submit bug fixes and patches as well as
- new features for inclusion in the GExperts distribution.
- Gerald Nunn was the principal author of GExperts for almost two
- years. Gerald has since moved on to other projects, but he kindly
- donated the GExperts source code the online community so we
- can continue to enhance and maintain it. Thanks Gerald!
- ----------------------
- GExperts contains numerous experts. See the online help
- (GExperts.hlp) for information on the usage of the experts.
- -----------------------------------------------
- - The compiler replacement option of the Code Proofreader is disabled
- and unsupported under Delphi 7. This feature may be added later.
- ----------------------
- GExperts is distributed as a self-installing executable (Setup.exe)
- that should automatically install the expert library into the IDE.
- Before executing this file, though, you should manually uninstall any
- older versions of GExperts. If the GExperts menu does not appear the
- next time you start your IDE, you can install GExperts manually by
- setting up a new key using the registry editor (RegEdit.exe). Just
- create the following key:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\X.0\Experts\ or
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\C++Builder\X.0\Experts\
- Then add a new string value that points to the GExperts DLL:
- GExperts=C:\Program Files\GExperts\GExpertX.dll or
- GExperts=C:\Program Files\GExperts\GExpertX_bcb.dll
- If you experience problems loading GExperts, it is likely due to
- use of an old or unsupported version of Delphi or C++Builder.
- Please upgrade to the following versions:
- - Delphi 7.00
- - Delphi 6.02 (Update Pack 2)
- - Delphi 5.01 (Update Pack 1)
- - C++Builder 6.02 (Update Pack 2)
- - C++Builder 5.01 (Update Pack 1)
- using the free patches available from:
- http://www.borland.com/downloads/
- ----------------------
- You should undock all GExperts windows before uninstallation,
- or the IDE might temporarily leave a blank area where the docked expert
- used to be on the next IDE restart.
- Uninstallation of GExperts can be done from the Control Panel's
- Add/Remove Programs Applet.
- ----------------------
- VERSION 1.12 (August, 2002)
- - General: Added support for Delphi 7 and C++Builder 6.01/6.02
- - Remove RLE compressed bitmaps to satisfy buggy video drivers
- - Procedure List: Fix infinite loop parsing some C++ source files
- - Backup Project: Remove .bpg extension from %PROJECTGROUPNAME% macro
- - Grep: Never search the same file twice when searching project groups
- Highlighting a matched search term deals better with leading tabs
- Deal better with corrupt DFMs, and accidental grep of binary files
- Search the project file when searching all files in the project
- - Editor Experts: Header experts use C++ comments under BCB by default
- - Clean Directories: Added check/uncheck all and invert to popup menus
- - Editor Toolbar: Don't allow Close and Close All toolbar buttons,
- since they aren't stable
- - Replace Components: Support recreating TTabSheet components
- - Code Proofreader: Fixed an odd AV with lots of help from Eyal Post
- - Project Dependencies: Allow aborting a dependency scan
- VERSION 1.11 (February 19, 2002)
- - General: Fixed problems creating menu items in French IDE editions
- Added support for Delphi 6.02 and C++Builder 6 (largely untested)
- - Clipboard History: Options were not always saved
- - Grep Search: Treat '_' and numeric characters as part of a word
- when searching in "Whole word" matching mode
- - Code Proofreader: Allow the same dictionary word to be added to
- more than one correction language
- - PE Information: Detect more binary/subsystem/CPU types and report
- more detailed image/DLL characteristics
- - Priority Booster: Removed this expert since it wasn't working/useful
- VERSION 1.1 (January 23, 2002)
- - General: Conversion to use the new OpenTools API (ToolsAPI.pas)
- Underlying expert architecture completely redesigned (Stefan)
- Removed support for Delphi 3, 4 and C++Builder 3, 4
- Added Delphi 6 and very limited Kylix support
- Added support for CLX/XFM forms in many experts
- Main configuration dialog is resizable
- All of the database experts use Client DataSets instead of the BDE
- under Delphi 6 Professional/Enterprise and Delphi 5 Enterprise
- Lots of minor UI changes, features, and bug fixes....
- - To Do List: Support for scanning an entire project group and multiple
- (semicolon separated) directories
- - Grep Search: Support for scanning an entire project group and multiple
- (semicolon separated) directories
- - Grep Results: Support for showing the context around matched lines
- Jumping to a match selects the match in the editor (Rick Hollerich)
- Results can be exported to the clipboard or a file (Rick Hollerich)
- Multiple matches on a single line are consolidated (Rick Hollerich)
- New option to always expand matches when searching completes
- - Message Dialog: Optionally generates a supporting if statement
- Automatically adds [Q]Dialogs to the uses clause if it is not already
- present (from Krzysztof Jez)
- - Debug Window: UI cleanup, added "Hide Toolbar", "Stay on Top", "Pause",
- and remote clear capability (see DbugIntf.pas)
- - Code Librarian: Snippets can be stored in a TClientDataSet
- You must set the read-only attribute on the CodeDB.cds file to safely
- share it over a network
- - Code Proofreader: Configuration dialog is resizable
- Dictionary and Auto Correct entries can be stored in a TClientDataSet
- and can contain replacement/dictionary strings up to 75 characters
- - IDE Enhancements: The top-level GExperts menu item can optionally
- be placed in the Tools menu (Michael Beck)
- The Object Inspector can be configured to show font names in the
- drop-down list using each font's typeface
- - Editor Toolbar: More comprehensive set of possible toolbar buttons
- Toolbar bitmaps match those used by the IDE (Stefan)
- Toolbar buttons automatically enable/disable as necessary
- New button to show/open units used by the current unit (John Hansen)
- New button to jump to specific positions in a unit (John Hansen)
- - Editor Experts: New editor expert to sort the selected lines
- New editor experts to jump to the previous/next occurrence of the
- current identifier (from Max Vlasov)
- - Procedure List: Procedure extraction is about 4 times faster
- Added support for parsing C++ files (Ales Kahanek)
- - Clean Directories: The unit output and executable output directories
- can be included in the default list of cleanable directories
- - Backup Project: Searches both the IDE and project library paths
- looking for included files. Project parsing progress is reported.
- - Project Dependencies: Can open any unit found on the library path.
- - Feedback Wizard: The GExperts about box can bring up a wizard that
- makes it easy to send "useful" bug reports and other feedback.
- Please do not send feedback directly to the developers via email
- any longer. (Stig JĀ°rgensen)
- - Help File: Updated to reflect the latest changes (James Roberts).
- VERSION 1.01 (May 19, 2001)
- - General: All known bugs are fixed
- - Clean Directories: Recursive deletion was not working under Delphi 3
- - Clipboard History: Coexists with other clipboard history applications
- - Code Librarian: Fixed a possible AV when using "Contract All"
- - Replace Components: Works for data modules now
- - Grep Search: Disabled the "Ignore comments" option until it is fixed
- - PE Information: Allow clipboard copying of the "Exports" tab
- - Project Option Sets: Fixed option filtering/sorting problems
- VERSION 1.00 (February, 2001)
- - General: All of the experts except the Code Proofreader can be
- dynamically enabled and disabled from the configuration dialog.
- Modified docked window menus to only activate when the docked form
- contains the currently focused control. GExperts menu items can
- now be placed on the IDE's toolbar. Menu shortcuts are no longer
- lost when loading a project group.
- - Editor Experts: Fixed a possible range check error in the
- delimiter experts when the cursor was near the top of a unit.
- Comment and uncomment experts work around a common IDE AV. Procedure
- header has two new macros: %RESULT% and %ARGUMENTS%.
- - Perfect Layout: Improved the results when the Object Inspector
- is docked into the edit window. Loads data from the right registry
- key (Thomas Mueller).
- - Grep Results: Fixed some minor problems opening and setting focus
- to DFM files when jumping to a grep match. It still isn't perfect.
- Fixed a possible memory leak.
- - Replace Components: Works with modules outside the current project.
- - Editor Toolbar: Improved sizing and positioning with respect to
- docked windows.
- - Code Proofreader: The '|' character can be used in AutoCorrect
- entries to determine the cursor position after a correction.
- - Code Librarian: Double-clicking a code snippet node copies the text
- into the code editor and closes the Code Librarian.
- - To Do List: A cosmetic problem left the to do entry's displayed line
- number off by one. Now supports jumping to one of multiple to do
- entries with the exact same comment text.
- - Class Browser: Works better with method resolution clauses (method
- redirections), multiple interface inheritance, non-standard calling
- conventions, multiple variable declarations on a single line,
- property overrides, non-standard line endings, and is generally more
- accurate when jumping to or viewing the code for class members.
- - Favorite Files: Projects, project groups, and packages will by default
- try to close the current project before opening themselves.
- Splitter position is saved/restored correctly. The modified flag is
- set after editing the file list.
- - Project Option Sets: Fixed an issue preventing setting environment
- options that were comma delimited strings.
- - Backup Project: Reports files it is unable to find or open.
- - Help File: Updated to reflect the latest changes.
- VERSION .98 (Feb. 17, 2000)
- - Editor Toolbar: Fixed component/form list toolbar buttons under Delphi 5.
- - Clipboard History: works correctly under Delphi 3.
- - Component Grid: Curt Krueger added automatic numbering of
- context IDs and printing.
- - PE Information: ArentJan Banck added drag and drop support and
- updated the internals of this and several other experts.
- - Procedure List: Scott Mattes submitted changes to allow easier
- searching and filtering based on objects. Works inside Object
- Pascal .inc files now. John Hansen and Stefan Hoffmeister fixed
- focus problems with multiple edit windows open.
- - Components to Code: Primoz Gabrijelcic added this new expert which
- allows one to select several components and copy the appropriate
- code to the clipboard which would create those same components at
- runtime. Note it does not work with some properties like bitmaps.
- - Project Option Sets: Stefan Hoffmeister added environment options.
- - Clean Directories: Stefan Hoffmeister added recursive scanning.
- Wildcard matching support was added.
- - Grep Results: Lee Wenger added refresh capability.
- - Class Browser: ArentJan Banck added the ability to print the
- reports without requiring Ace Reporter.
- - Code Proofreader: Configuration option to allow matching words based
- on the compiler's list of best matches (Puthoon).
- - Source Export: ArentJan Banck completely rewrote this expert.
- - Stefan Hoffmeister added IDE current directory protection, implemented
- better native IDE docking, improved delimiter matching, as well as
- several other internal cleanups.
- VERSION .97.1 (September 14, 1999)
- - Loading toolbar settings from very old versions of GExperts under
- Delphi 3 no longer causes problems.
- - Fixed potential AVs when opening batch files and closing with the
- package window open (OpenTools bug workarounds).
- - Message view window under Delphi 5 behaves normally with editor
- integration enabled.
- - Fixed saving/loading of the Clean Directories settings.
- - Opening TLB files no longer raises assertions.
- VERSION .97.0 (August 26, 1999)
- - To Do List: Recently scanned directories are saved (John Hansen)
- - Code Proofreader: The configuration settings are now saved correctly.
- The detection of the current syntax element is more accurate. Lots of
- other internal changes and fixes (Stefan Hoffmeister).
- - Editor Experts: The debug statement expert was removed. Use an IDE Code
- Template instead for this functionality.
- - Editor Enhancements: Several editor enhancements were added to the
- configuration dialog (John Hansen, Gerald Nunn, and Stefan Hoffmeister).
- This includes the cut/copy/paste menu options (see MISCELLANEOUS NOTES
- below) and the editor toolbar. Daniel Work submitted code to sort the
- component list button's menu items. The toolbar configuration listbox
- supports auto-scrolling drag and drop.
- - IDE Enhancements: New IDE enhancements include flat/3D component palette
- buttons for version 4+ IDEs. Under Delphi 4 only, you can show the
- "Attach to Process..." menu item. Remco van Toor submitted some ideas
- to make docked tab controls multiline, and Stefan integrated this feature
- into GExperts. You can automatically save your DFMs as text files, to
- better integrate into version control systems.
- - Priority Booster: This new expert by Stefan Hoffmeister allows you to
- set the Win32 priority for the application/thread while compiling.
- - IDE Docking: Support for IDE docking under version 4+ IDEs for certain
- experts. Many thanks to Puthoon for his hard work with this task, and
- Stefan Hoffmeister for testing and ideas.
- - Help File: The new help file is finished. Thanks to Paul O'Rear for
- layout and technical assistance.
- - Project Option Sets: This new expert by John Hansen allows Delphi 4+
- users to save off sets of project options and recall them later.
- It stores the saved data in an OLE Structured Storage file. Stefan
- Hoffmeister enhanced this expert as well.
- - Backup Project: Now scans for $INCLUDE and $RESOURCE directives, as well
- as $I and $R. Added a project group backup option for those IDEs that
- support project groups and support for wildcards to add and remove files
- (Stefan Hoffmeister).
- - Source to HTML: ArentJan Banck enhanced this expert to support copying
- to the clipboard in several formats.
- - Replace Components: Replacing across all forms in a project works again
- - Clipboard History: The clipboard history is persistent across IDE
- sessions in Delphi 4+ (John Hansen).
- - General: Puthoon helped restructure the menu code to be more modular.
- - Class Browser: Reworked the class report (ArentJan Banck) and
- hierarchy diagram.
- VERSION .96.2 (April 12, 1999)
- - IDE Enhancements: Began adding back the many of the old enhancements
- such as tabs as buttons, tab names in the popup menu, custom fonts for
- the component palette and object inspector, and a MDI-like Windows menu.
- Puthoon submitted code to load and unload IDE enhancements at runtime.
- - Editor Experts: These experts are all back in GExperts now, and are
- EII compatible (see http://www.toolsfactory.com/eii.html). You can see
- and configure these experts from the configuration dialog. Fixed an
- occasional EII crash when dragging and dropping DPR files.
- - Grep Results: Better keyboard support, and support for drag and drop of
- files from the results window onto to an icon or a running application
- (notepad, etc.). Fixed a harmless exception when searching an unsaved
- project.
- - Code Librarian: Hides itself when you paste a snippet into the editor
- - Hook OutputDebugStr: This expert was added back for Delphi 3, thanks
- to ArentJan Banck and Stefan Hoffmeister.
- - Code Proofreader: Minor bugfixes and cleanup to the code. It sometimes
- misdetected when you were editing inside comments. Stefan Hoffmeister
- and Alex Petrov fixed most of this. The default dictionary word list
- was expanded to include more common words. You can now import a text
- file into the dictionary or export the dictionary to a text file.
- Francois Sorrentino added international keyboard support. The
- correction history is no longer stored in an exclusive access Paradox
- database to facilitate running multiple IDEs running at once, and when
- this expert is disabled, the database is no longer opened.
- - Procedure List: Fixed an AV parsing implementation procedural types and
- procedures with embedded tabs (John Hansen).
- - To Do List: Multi-line to do items were not parsed correctly and were
- shown as blank lines. Now, the first line of the comment is displayed.
- Fixed a bug parsing unterminated comments at the end of a unit. New
- option to keep the to do window visible after jumping to an item. John
- Hansen submitted code to scan directories or only the open project
- files for to do items. You can now copy the to do list to the
- clipboard using Ctrl+C and the expert now supports keyboard commands.
- - Clean Directories: You can now add any number of custom extensions to
- be cleaned upon execution (Stefan).
- - General: Minor consistency/internal changes to many experts. Stefan
- enhanced C++Builder support for many experts.
- - OneDForAll: Back in Delphi 3 and BCB 3. It allows you to restrict
- the IDE to one instance when you execute associated files.
- - Favorite Files: You can drag and drop files into the favorite files
- manager from explorer. The drag and drop routines come from Angus
- Johnson, Anders Melander, and Graham Wideman. You can turn off the
- file preview pane in the options and the folder tree saves its state
- between runs. Drag and drop inside the form from files to folders
- and from folders to folders works again.
- - Expert Manager: Stefan made some internal changes and enhanced the
- interface. Several minor bugs were fixed.
- - ASCII Chart: The hint window can be turned off (Frank Zimmerman)
- VERSION .96.1 (Jan 23, 1999)
- - General: With lots of help from Stefan Hoffmeister, the source code
- compiles and works in Delphi 3 now, and partially works in BCB.
- Stefan also corrected several minor code problems and moved most of
- the literal strings into ResourceStrings for future localization
- purposes.
- Scott Mattes submitted several minor usability changes/suggestions.
- All conditional defines were moved to GX_CondDefine.inc.
- - Edit Writer: Fixed a minor bug that sometimes placed the inserted
- text at the wrong position (affected MessageDlg, and Code Librarian)
- - Class Browser: This expert was re-added to GExperts. It compiles
- both with and without TSyntaxMemo, and several bugs were fixed
- by Stefan and Erik. It correctly parses methods that are
- reintroduced, overloaded, contain out parameters, etc.
- - Procedure List: The display font is now configurable, and the
- search text is highlighted. This expert should load faster
- because it now uses Martin Waldenberg's new Pascal parser.
- Minor inconsistencies in the statusbar text are fixed.
- You can copy the procedure list to the clipboard with a new button.
- - Message Dialog: Stefan added BCB support to this expert.
- - Grep: Fixed a memory leak in print preview. Added an option to
- use (slower) ANSI compatible case insensitive searching.
- - Menu: the menu options now appear in the same order they used to
- with the older Delphi 3 versions
- - Favorite Files: This expert will compile without TSyntaxMemo,
- but you don't get syntax highlighting.
- - PE Information: Several clipping and spacing problems in the PE
- printout were fixed. Hex mode is active for import ordinals.
- Stefan Hoffmeister submitted a couple of bugfixes and some great
- code to speed up reading the import/export list.
- - Debug Window: You can now copy selected lines to the clipboard,
- save the log to a file, or double-click an item to see it in
- a message dialog.
- - Code Librarian: Compiles with/without TSyntaxMemo. The find and
- find next functions now work properly.
- - To Do List: This expert has been added and enhanced. Part of
- the code comes from John Hansen <John_Hansen@tcsmgmt.com>.
- You can add comments to your code of the form: {#todo[123] xxx},
- and the to do expert will find these and list them in a list, by
- unit. You can place to do items anywhere in your projects.
- There is also a new to do keyword editor by ArentJan Banck where
- you can add your own keywords to the list that are scanned for,
- and assign them priorities; then you can sort by any list column.
- - Perfect Layout: Scott Mattes submitted changes to make the
- custom layout save/restore windows correctly.
- - Printing: GExperts has obtained a registered version of ACE Reporter.
- Thanks to Steve Tyrakowski for his donation.
- - TSyntaxMemo: GExperts only compiles with TSyntaxMemo 2.01.22 and up
- - Code Proofreader: This is another new expert that corrects your
- typing mistakes while inside the IDE code editor. It allows you
- to use Microsoft Word style AutoCorrect, fix capitalization, correct
- words that are missing or have one extra character in them, and much
- more. Alex Petrov was kind enough to donate this code to GExperts.
- VERSION .96 (October 19, 1998)
- - Clean Directories: Fixed a bug that prevented correctly calculated
- deleted file sizes and counts. Also fixed a bug where manually added
- directories were not cleaned and errors during deletion were not
- reported. Added a few more cleanable file types.
- - Favorite Files: Bug prevented display of the currently selected fonts
- - Grep Results: Toolbar buttons were enabled/disabled incorrectly
- - Removed the "GExperts Loaded" addition to the Delphi splash screen
- - Clipboard History: You can double-click an item in the list to quickly
- copy it to the clipboard.
- - Keyboard Shortcuts: Fixed a rare bug that appeared when trying to set
- shortcuts for menu items created only after a project is loaded
- - Favorite Files: Both splitters save their positions. Syntax
- highlighting works for pas, dpr, sql, c, cpp, html files. Other
- minor tweaks.
- - Menu: Several of the menu items have different shortcuts, since Delphi
- 4 reserves new keys in the code editor. Customizing the shortcuts is
- still possible using the configuration. The main GExperts menu
- accelerator was changed to Alt-X, because Alt-G is mapped to Goto Line
- in the default keyboard layout. Note: Brief and Classic modes use
- Alt-X for File-Exit (I'm not sure how to work around this).
- - ASCII Chart: You can press ESC to close the window
- - Updated the Pascal parser to use Martin Waldenburg's very fast
- mPasLex 1.3. Thanks, Martin!
- - Procedure List: Correctly saves the selected search mode and uses
- the more standard clWindow and clWindowText color scheme
- - Project Dependencies: You can double-click a file that is in the
- current project and Delphi will load it. Also, the tree layout has
- changed, making more obvious which units are in the project, and which
- have associated forms. There is a new configuration option to scan the
- entire units for uses clauses, or just scan for the first two. This is
- useful when you have multiple IFDEFed uses clauses. Sorting the
- information is now possible by clicking the column headers.
- - General: Changed the form centering code to account for the taskbar
- and other system appbars such as the Office toolbar. Renamed the TFile
- and TFiles classes to TGXFile and TGXFiles to avoid conflicts.
- - Source: The GExperts source code is now released with each version.
- If you want to modify the source in a generally useful manner, please
- contact me for instructions on making it easy to integrate into the
- main source tree.
- VERSION .95b (October 5, 1998)
- - Switched to Jordan Russell's freeware Inno Setup installation utility
- (using the also excellent Inno Setup Express by Brad Stowers)
- - Grep regular expressions now handle escaped characters using / in a
- more standard manner. From Daniel Gerhard <gerhard@parametrix.ch>
- - Removed the build requirement for RXLib, TUrl, ACE Reporter,
- TSyntaxMemo, and VCLZip form the source code. You can still do a more
- complete build of GExperts by defining compiler options as described
- in GExpertX.dpr (if you have some of these products).
- - Reformatted all the source code to resemble Borland's VCL and to
- remove all of the hints and warnings produced by the Delphi compiler
- - All of the forms were edited for UI and standardization
- - Pas to HTML expert allows copying to the clipboard
- - Menu shortcut keys now work before dropping down the GExperts menu
- - Dependency expert no longer allows editing in the tree, and is faster
- - Component Replace is smarter about what you're allowed to do and what
- it selects as defaults
- - PE Viewer is much faster and has a couple of bugfixes. Speedup
- courtesy of Alexey Dynnikov <aldyn@tsagi.rssi.ru>.
- - Clipboard history can optionally start capturing upon Delphi startup
- - Grep Results paint bug fixed
- - Grep search adds a checkbox to disable regular expressions and
- correctly saves your last 20 search parameters
- - Clean Directory adds several new cleanable file types
- - Set Tab Order gives better feedback and error messages
- - Upgraded to VCLZip 2.16, ACE 1.2, and TSyntaxMemo 2.01
- - Reorganized Message Dialog Helper and added a new button
- - Expand All in Grep Results works now
- - Fixed a bug that prevented adding of new entries in Favorite Files
- - Stand-alone grep correctly saves and restores settings
- - Double-clicking in the stand-alone grep will execute the file
- - The GExperts DLL is about 100K smaller
- - One potential access violation on shutdown was removed
- - Minor bugfixes in Expert Manager, Procedure List, Configuration,
- and several other small changes
- ----------------------
- - [Unassigned] Integrate file auto-save code
- - [Unassigned] Port Components to Code to C++Builder
- - [Unassigned] Create a Windows Scripting Host plugin and COM interface
- to allow scripts to access the OpenTools API.
- - [Unassigned] Persistent editor bookmarks
- - [Unassigned] Save/Restore of editor macros
- - [Unassigned] Editor expert to select the current identifier
- - [Unassigned] Replace SortGrid with a TListView and make the various
- TListViews sortable
- - [Unassigned] Allow adding some common editor and object inspector
- actions to the editor toolbar
- - [Unassigned] Port TEditReader to the new IOTA interfaces
- - [Unassigned] Add support for hiding the toolbar on dockable experts
- - [Unassigned] Add word wrapped printing to the To Do List, etc.
- - [Unassigned] Add GX_MessageBox warnings to the Pascal only experts
- when under C++Builder?
- - [Unassigned] Modify To Do expert so that it can display Borland style
- to do items. The basic parsing code exists, but needs to be surfaced
- in the user interface.
- - [Unassigned] Add a standalone version of the Code Librarian
- - [Unassigned] Add support for | in the header editor experts
- - [Unassigned] Integrate a full regular expression parser as a
- compile-time option to the grep search
- - [Unassigned] To do list filtering support (token, owner, etc.)
- - [Unassigned] Add a project form list and project unit list search form
- like the procedure list (Eyal Post has donated one)
- - [Unassigned] Component naming property editor (new package)
- - [Unassigned] Allow export/printing in Project Dependencies
- - [Unassigned] Enhance the Message Dialog to allow copy to clipboard,
- Borland MessageBoxes, change the captions and default button, and
- generation of case statements.
- - [Unassigned] Add support to fire up help for the selected word in the
- Code Librarian
- KEY:
- Erik = Erik Berry <eberry@gexperts.org>
- Stefan = Stefan Hoffmeister <Stefan.Hoffmeister@econos.de>
- ArentJan = ArentJan Banck <Arentjan.Banck@davilex.nl>
- Puthoon = Puthoon <puthoon@puthoon.com>
- (to claim a task, please email eberry@gexperts.org)
- ----------------------
- - After using Replace Components on non-visual components, you should
- save the form to force the IDE to refresh the non-visual component
- positions.
- - The editor toolbar might not show correctly with version 4 or less of
- the Microsoft common controls DLL. Upgrade to version 5 at:
- http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/ieplatform/ie/comctrlx86.asp
- The VCL toolbar doesn't support separators when aligned left or right.
- - The Standard and Personal editions of the Borland IDEs do not support
- database access, so the experts that require database access (such as
- the Code Librarian and Code Proofreader) will not be available.
- - The Code Proofreader can only perform corrections when the editor caret
- is directly after the word to correct following a change. As a result,
- pressing enter will not trigger corrections.
- - If a DFM is opened as text, a subsequent Grep Search can not scan the
- DFM's associated source files. Delphi does not provide access to the
- source file buffer. Under C++Builder you might also see duplicated
- matches for the DFM file when it is being viewed as text.
- - The IDE enhancements for a multiline component palette and the top-level
- GExperts menu item location both require an IDE restart before they can
- be properly activated or deactivated.
- - Perfect Layout was designed for Delphi 3, and as such will probably
- never support docking or undocking of windows in later version IDEs.
- Please use the Desktop saving feature of Delphi 5+ instead if available.
- - Nothing in GExperts is aware of or takes into account conditional
- defines, so code that is defined out will still be parsed by GExperts.
- - Using a high color desktop scheme may cause the help file to show
- colors improperly. This appears to be a bug in WinHelp.
- - Source Export only supports background colors when exporting to HTML.
- ----------------------
- Alexander Halser donated a copy of Help and Manual
- http://www.helpandmanual.com/
- Vincent Parrett donated a copy of FinalBuilder
- http://www.atozedsoftware.com/
- Kevin Boylan donated a copy of VCLZip
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/boylank/
- Steven Tyrakowski donated a copy of ACE Reporter
- http://www.sct-associates.com/
- ----------------------
- GExperts is copyright 1996-2002 by GExperts, Inc, Erik Berry, and several
- other authors who have submitted their code for inclusion. This license
- agreement only covers code written by GExperts, Inc. and Erik Berry. You
- should contact the other authors concerning their respective copyrights
- and conditions.
- The rules governing the use of GExperts and the GExperts source code are
- derived from the official Open Source Definition, available at
- http://www.opensource.org/. The conditions and limitations are as follows:
- Usage of GExperts binary distributions is permitted for all developers.
- You may not use the GExperts source code to develop proprietary or
- commercial products including plugins or libraries for those products.
- You may use the GExperts source code in an Open Source project, under
- the terms listed below.
- You may not use the GExperts source code to create and distribute custom
- versions of GExperts under the "GExperts" name. If you do modify and
- distribute custom versions of GExperts, the binary distribution must be
- named differently and clearly marked so users can tell they are not using
- the official GExperts distribution. A visible and unmodified version of
- this license must appear in any modified distribution of GExperts.
- Custom distributions of GExperts must include all of the custom changes
- as a patch file that can be appplied to the original source code. This
- restriction is in place to protect the integrity of the original author's
- source code. No support for modified versions of GExperts will be
- provided by the original authors or on the GExperts mailing lists.
- All works derived from GExperts must be distributed under a license
- compatible with this license and the official Open Source Definition,
- which can be obtained from http://www.opensource.org/.
- Please note that GExperts, Inc. and the other contributing authors hereby
- state that this package is provided "as is" and without any express or
- implied warranties, including, but not without limitation, the implied
- warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In
- other words, we accept no liability for any damage that may result from
- using GExperts or programs that use the GExperts source code.
- If you have license questions, please email Erik Berry at eberry@gexperts.org.